Chris Craft 25 For Sale
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Sport Boat
Chris Craft 225 limited
- 7.11 x 2.49 mDimensions
- 1 x 250 HP / 184 kWEngine Performance
Lake Geneva » Bouveret
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Cabin Cruiser
Chris Craft Concept 25 Cuddy
- 7.59 x 2.53 mDimensions
- 1 x 270 HP / 199 kWEngine Performance
Lake of Zurich » Pfäffikon SZ
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Sport Boat
Chris Craft 25 LE.
- 7.62 x 2.59 mDimensions
- 1 x 381 HP / 280 kWEngine Performance
Luganersee » Rancate Ticino
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Sport Boat
Chris Craft Launch 25 GT
New boat from stock
- 7.81 x 2.55 mDimensions
- 1 x 350 HP / 257 kWEngine Performance
Adligenswil / Luzern (Showroom W.A.R.)
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Sport Boat
Chris Craft Launch 25 GT Outboard
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- 8.15 x 2.55 mDimensions
- 1 x 300 HP / 221 kWEngine Performance
Neuboot auf Bestellung
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Sport Boat
Chris Craft Sportster 25
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- 7.60 x 2.55 mDimensions
- 1 x 300 HP / 221 kWEngine Performance
Neuboot auf Bestellung
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Sport Boat
Chris Craft Launch 25 GT
New boat to order
- 7.81 x 2.55 mDimensions
- 1 x 300 HP / 221 kWEngine Performance
W.A.R. Bootbau & Boothandel AG, Adligenswil
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