Chris Craft 28 For Sale
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Floating House, Motor Yacht, Sport Boat
Chris Craft 282 Crowne
Family boat with Lake Constance approval
- 9.02 x 3.02 mDimensions
- 0.90 mDraught
- 1 x 305 HP / 224 kWEngine Performance
Lake Constance » Horn
- Favorite
Sport Boat
Chris Craft Corsaire 28 LG
- 8.53 x 3.05 mDimensions
- 0.80 mDraught
- 2 x 284 HP / 209 kWEngine Performance
Lake Geneva » Corsier-Port
- Favorite
Cabin Cruiser, Classic Power Boat
Chris Craft Owens Raider 283 H
- 8.15 x 3.15 mDimensions
Murtensee » Faoug
- Favorite
Sport Boat
Chris Craft Corsair 28
on behalf of customers
- 8.53 x 3.05 mDimensions
- 0.95 mDraught
- 2 x 308 HP / 227 kWEngine Performance
Lake of Zurich » Meilen
- Favorite
Cabin Cruiser
Chris Craft 28 corsair
- 8.53 x 3.05 mDimensions
- 2 x 320 HP / 235 kWEngine Performance
Lake Geneva » Vesenaz
- Favorite
Chris Craft Corsair 28
- 8.53 x 3.05 mDimensions
- 2 x 305 HP / 224 kWEngine Performance
Lago Maggiore » Vira Gambarogno
- Favorite
Sport Boat
Chris Craft Launch 28 GT
New boat from stock
- 8.72 x 2.59 mDimensions
- 1 x 350 HP / 257 kWEngine Performance
Adligenswil / Luzern (Showroom W.A.R.)
- FavoriteOn order
Sport Boat
Chris Craft Calypso 28 Outboard
New boat to order
- 9.00 x 2.70 mDimensions
- 2 x 225 HP / 165 kWEngine Performance
Neuboot auf Bestellung
- FavoriteOn order
Sport Boat
Chris Craft Launch 28 GT
New boat to order
- 8.72 x 2.59 mDimensions
- 1 x 350 HP / 257 kWEngine Performance
Adligenswil / Luzern (Showroom W.A.R.)
- FavoriteOn order
Sport Boat
Chris Craft Catalina 28 Outboard
New bot to order
- 9.00 x 2.69 mDimensions
- 2 x 225 HP / 165 kWEngine Performance
Neuboot auf Bestellung
- FavoriteOn order
Sport Boat
Chris Craft Launch 28 GT Outboard
New boat to order
- 8.72 x 2.59 mDimensions
- 1 x 350 HP / 257 kWEngine Performance
Neuboot auf Bestellung
- FavoriteCatalog boat
- FavoriteCatalog boat
- FavoriteCatalog boat
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