Für Liebhaber und Liebhaberinnen klassischer Schiffe
Diese elegante wie robuste Segelyacht wurde 1956 von der ehemaligen Stäheli Werft in Altnau am Bodensee nach den Plänen des berühmten Schiffsarchitekten L. Francis Herreshoff, USA. gebaut.
Der Rumpf ist karweel beplankt aus massivem Mahagoni, die zwei Masten und Bäume in Spruce, Deck in Teakholz, Aufbau, Cockpit und Innenausbau in Mahgoni. Segel (Gross, Besan, Fock, Genua und Genaker) sind in gutem Zustand.
Ab 2010 wurden Aufbau, Deck(Teak), Cockpit, Dieselmotor und Segel erneuert.
Im Winter 2023/2024 wurden diverse Schadstellen am
Vorsteven und am Heck inklusive Ruderaufhängung behoben sowie beide Masten und Bäume neu lackiert.
Das Schiff hat Bodenseezulassung und wurde 2024 frisch geprüft. In absehbarer Zeit stehen Instandhaltungsarbeiten am Unterwasserschiff an für welche ich angesichts meines Alters nicht mehr investieren möchte.
Das Schiff ist ausgewassert und in Werft eingewintert.
Besichtigung nach Vereinbarung.
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Used Boat, Classic Sailing Yacht, Ketch, Sailing Yacht
Herreshoff H-28 (Stäheli Altnau)
Classic / Oldtimer
- 1957Year Built
- fair conditionCondition
- 8.54 m x 2.70 mLength x Beam
- 1.20 mDraught
- 4'000 kgDisplacement
- WoodMaterial
- Tiller SteeringSteering
- Long keelKeel Type
- 10 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 6 bedsNo. of berths
- Inboard Direct-DrivePropulsion
- Yanmar 2GM20FEngine
- 1 x 16 HP / 12 kWEngine Performance
- DieselFuel Type
- WoodMast material
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Switzerland » Lake Constance
This boat has a permittance for Lake Constance.
1957 Herreshoff H-28 (Stäheli Altnau), CHF 27'000.-
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For lovers of classic ships
This elegant and robust sailing yacht was built in 1956 by the former Stäheli shipyard in Altnau on Lake Constance according to the plans of the famous naval architect L. Francis Herreshoff, USA.
The hull is carvel planked in solid mahogany, the two masts and booms in spruce, deck in teak, superstructure, cockpit and interior fittings in mahogany. Sails (main, mizzen, jib, genoa and genaker) are in good condition.
From 2010 the superstructure, deck (teak), cockpit, diesel engine and sails were renewed.
In the winter of 2023/2024, various damaged areas on the
stem and stern including rudder suspension were repaired and both masts and booms were repainted.
The ship has Lake Constance approval and was freshly inspected in 2024. In the foreseeable future, maintenance work is due on the underwater hull, which I no longer want to invest in given my age.
The ship is dewatered and winterized in the shipyard.
Viewing by appointment.
This elegant and robust sailing yacht was built in 1956 by the former Stäheli shipyard in Altnau on Lake Constance according to the plans of the famous naval architect L. Francis Herreshoff, USA.
The hull is carvel planked in solid mahogany, the two masts and booms in spruce, deck in teak, superstructure, cockpit and interior fittings in mahogany. Sails (main, mizzen, jib, genoa and genaker) are in good condition.
From 2010 the superstructure, deck (teak), cockpit, diesel engine and sails were renewed.
In the winter of 2023/2024, various damaged areas on the
stem and stern including rudder suspension were repaired and both masts and booms were repainted.
The ship has Lake Constance approval and was freshly inspected in 2024. In the foreseeable future, maintenance work is due on the underwater hull, which I no longer want to invest in given my age.
The ship is dewatered and winterized in the shipyard.
Viewing by appointment.
- Battery
- Fire Extinguisher
- Anchor
- Bow Anchor Capstan
- Bilge Pump
- Stove
- Sink
- Complete cover tarpaulin
- Cockpit Cover
- Sprayhood
- Swim Ladder
- Radio
- CD Player
- Teak Deck
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