Nimbus 33 For Sale
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Cabin Cruiser, Motor Yacht
Nimbus 335 Coupé
Well-groomed Nimbus 335 Coupé seeks new owner
- 10.27 x 3.02 mDimensions
- 1.10 mDraught
- 1 x 225 HP / 165 kWEngine Performance
Switzerland » Lake Geneva
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- Favorite
Cabin Cruiser
Nimbus 335 Coupé
- 10.27 x 3.20 mDimensions
- 1 x 300 HP / 221 kWEngine Performance
Lake of Zurich » Pfäffikon SZ
- FavoriteIncl. trailer
Nimbus 335 Coupé
- 10.17 x 3.02 mDimensions
- 1.10 mDraught
- 1 x 212 HP / 156 kWEngine Performance
Neuenburgersee » Cheyres
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