Frauscher 740 Mirage ELEKTROBOOT
Weitere stärkere und in der Reichweite höhere Motorisierungen sind auf Wunsch verfügbar.
Preis bezieht sich auf das Boot in genannter Ausstattung exklusive MWSt. Weitere Kosten für Transport, Schweiz-Homogensierung oder dem Einsatzgebiet entsprechende Umrüstung sind möglich.
? Rumpf & Deck in weiß
? Sämtliche Beschläge aus rostfreiem V4A Edelstahl
? Polsterung aus Kunstleder in weiß
? Teakboden im Cockpit und auf der Badeplattform
? 3-stufige Badeleiter aus Edelstahl mit Teaksprossen
? 12V Elektroanlage mit Bordbatterie, Horn, Bilgepumpe & LED Positionsbeleuchtung
? Fender, Belegleinen, Feuerlöscher, Anker und Bootshaken
? Ankerkasten im Bug
? Flaggstock am Heck
? Lufteinlässe aus Echtkarbon
? Bugstrahlruder
? Schwalbennest seitlich in der Cockpitwand aus Teak
? Ambientebeleuchtung für Cockpit, Schwalbennester & Badeplattform LED
? Wasserskihaken aus Edelstahl
? Bordcomputer
? GPS Geschwindigkeitsanzeige
? Ruderstandsanzeige
? Liegepolster für Kajüte und Vordeck
? Landstromanschluss mit Ladegerät und Ladekabel
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New Boat on Order, Sport Boat
Frauscher 740 Mirage ELEKTRO
- 2024Year Built
- 7.47 m x 2.50 mLength x Beam
- 0.65 mDraught
- 1'900 kgDisplacement
- D - Sheltered WatersCE Design Category
- GRPMaterial
- white andere Farbe möglichHull Color
- 6 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 1 ShowerShowers
- Inboard Direct-DrivePropulsion
- 60 kW Torqeedo BMW i3Engine
- 1 x 82 HP / 60 kWEngine Performance
- ElectricFuel Type
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Lake Constance » Gottlieben
Berth Available
This boat has a permittance for Lake Constance.
2024 Frauscher 740 Mirage ELEKTRO to sell
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Frauscher 740 Mirage ELECTRIC BOAT
Other more powerful engines with a longer range are available on request.
The price refers to the boat with the mentioned equipment exclusive of VAT. Additional costs for transport, Swiss homogenization or conversion according to the area of application are possible.
? Hull & deck in white
? All fittings made of rustproof V4A stainless steel
? Upholstery made of imitation leather in white
? Teak floor in the cockpit and on the bathing platform
? 3-step bathing ladder made of stainless steel with teak rungs
? 12V electrical system with on-board battery, horn, bilge pump & LED position lighting
? Fenders, mooring lines, fire extinguisher, anchor and boat hook
? Anchor locker in bow
? Flagstick at the stern
? Real carbon air inlets
? Bow thruster
? Swallow's nest on the side of the cockpit wall made of teak
? Ambient lighting for cockpit, swallow's nests & bathing platform LED
? Water ski hook made of stainless steel
? On-board computer
? GPS speed indicator
? Rudder position indicator
? Cushions for cabin and foredeck
? Shore power connection with charger and charging cable
Other more powerful engines with a longer range are available on request.
The price refers to the boat with the mentioned equipment exclusive of VAT. Additional costs for transport, Swiss homogenization or conversion according to the area of application are possible.
? Hull & deck in white
? All fittings made of rustproof V4A stainless steel
? Upholstery made of imitation leather in white
? Teak floor in the cockpit and on the bathing platform
? 3-step bathing ladder made of stainless steel with teak rungs
? 12V electrical system with on-board battery, horn, bilge pump & LED position lighting
? Fenders, mooring lines, fire extinguisher, anchor and boat hook
? Anchor locker in bow
? Flagstick at the stern
? Real carbon air inlets
? Bow thruster
? Swallow's nest on the side of the cockpit wall made of teak
? Ambient lighting for cockpit, swallow's nests & bathing platform LED
? Water ski hook made of stainless steel
? On-board computer
? GPS speed indicator
? Rudder position indicator
? Cushions for cabin and foredeck
? Shore power connection with charger and charging cable
- Cool Box
- Board Computer
- Compass
- Depth Instrument
- Speed Instrument
- Shore Connection
- Battery
- Battery Charger
- Inverter
- Navigation Lights
- Anchor
- Bow Thruster
- Bilge Pump
- Radio
- MP3 Player
- iPod Interface
- Swim Ladder
- Cockpit Table
- Teak Cockpit
- Teak Deck
- Deck Shower
- Cockpit Cover
- Bimini Top
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