Boesch 750 For Sale
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Sport Boat
Boesch 750 Portofino de Luxe
Boat is sold on behalf of the customer
- 7.50 x 2.50 mDimensions
- 0.65 mDraught
- 2 x 305 HP / 224 kWEngine Performance
Lake of Zurich » Nuolen
- Favorite
Boesch 750 Portofino DL
- 7.50 x 2.46 mDimensions
- 2 x 258 HP / 190 kWEngine Performance
Lago Maggiore » Tenero
- Favorite
Sport Boat
Boesch 750 Portofino de luxe
- 7.50 x 2.46 mDimensions
- 2 x 258 HP / 190 kWEngine Performance
Luganersee » Capolago
- Favorite
Boesch 750 Portofino de Luxe
- 7.80 x 2.50 mDimensions
- 0.65 mDraught
- 2 x 300 HP / 221 kWEngine Performance
Lake of Zurich » Kilchberg
- Favorite
Boesch 750 Portofino de Luxe
- 7.80 x 2.50 mDimensions
- 0.65 mDraught
- 2 x 300 HP / 221 kWEngine Performance
Lake of Zurich » Kilchberg
- Favorite
Sport Boat
Boesch 750 Portofino de Luxe
- 7.50 x 2.46 mDimensions
- 2 x 299 HP / 220 kWEngine Performance
Lake Geneva » Vésenaz
- FavoriteCatalog boat
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