Klassisches Ruderboot von Terhi Finnland Modell 385
Baujahr 2012 wird ab Platz verkauft. Hat als Ausstattung 2 Ruder.
Das Boot kann mit bis zu 6PS motorisiert werden.
Entsprechende neu oder occ. Motoren vorhanden.
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Used Boat, Fishing Boat
Terhi 385
- 2012Year Built
- good conditionCondition
- 3.80 m x 1.50 mLength x Beam
- D - Sheltered WatersCE Design Category
- whiteHull Color
- 4 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
Do you need more details?
Bielersee » Erlach
2012 Terhi 385, CHF 2'480.-
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Classic rowing boat from Terhi Finland model 385
Year of construction 2012 is sold ex works. Has 2 oars as equipment.
The boat can be motorized with up to 6hp.
Corresponding new or occ. engines available.
Year of construction 2012 is sold ex works. Has 2 oars as equipment.
The boat can be motorized with up to 6hp.
Corresponding new or occ. engines available.
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