Ideales neues Familien und Freizeitboot für das ganze Jahr
mit sehr guten Fahreigenschaften
auch für Wassersport geeignet
kompl. Verdeck mit Seitenteilen
- 26
- 36
- Share
New Boat from Stock, Pilothouse
Jeanneau Merrry Fisher 695 HB
- 2018Year Built
- 7.70 m x 2.54 mLength x Beam
- 0.80 mDraught
- 1'800 kgDisplacement
- GRPMaterial
- white whiteHull Color
- 8 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 1 CabinNo. of Cabins
- 4 bedsNo. of berths
- 1 ToiletToilets
- 1 ShowerShowers
- 50 l WaterFresh water tank
- 65 l Waste WaterHolding Tank
- Outboard, four-strokePropulsion
- YamahaEngine
- 1 x 115 HP / 85 kWEngine Performance
- 170 l UnleadedFuel Type
- 55 km/hMax speed
Do you need more details?
Walensee » 8881 Tscherlach/Walenstadt
Berth Available
2018 Jeanneau Merrry Fisher 695 HB, CHF 79'900.-
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Ideal new family and leisure boat for all year
with very good handling
also suitable for water sports
complete Soft top with side panels
with very good handling
also suitable for water sports
complete Soft top with side panels
- Sink
- Fridge
- Compass
- Fishfinder
- Chartplotter
- Depth Instrument
- Shore Connection
- Battery
- Battery Charger
- Navigation Lights
- Anchor
- Bow Thruster
- Bow Anchor Capstan
- Bilge Pump
- Fire Extinguisher
- Water Pressure System
- Radio
- MP3 Player
- Swim Ladder
- Cockpit Table
- Underwater Paint
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