Flying Shark 5.7 Bowrider For Sale
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Bowrider, Sport Boat
Flying Shark 5.7 Bowrider
Sporty and elegant on the move
- 5.70 x 2.05 mDimensions
- 0.70 mDraught
- 1 x 100 HP / 74 kWEngine Performance
Vierwaldstättersee » Horw
- Favorite
Bowrider, Sport Boat
Flying Shark 5.7 Bowrider
Sporty and elegant on the move
- 5.70 x 2.05 mDimensions
- 0.60 mDraught
- 1 x 100 HP / 74 kWEngine Performance
Vierwaldstättersee » Horw
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