Wir verkaufen unsere sportliche Maxi Dolphin/ Joker mit dazugehörigem Straßentrailer.
Das Boot ist mit 10 Segel ausgestattet:
Großsegel 2 Stück - gebraucht
Fock 3 Stück - gebraucht und neuwertig
Genua 3 Stück - gebraucht
Spinnaker 2 Stück gebraucht und neuwertig
Dazu gehört ein Straßentrailer, welcher die Erkundung vieler Seen ermöglicht.
Preis auf Anfrage / Verhandlungsbasis.
- 77
- 38
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Used Boat, Regatta Boat, Sailing Yacht
Maxi Dolphin Joker
- 1995Year Built
- good conditionCondition
- 8.17 m x 2.70 mLength x Beam
- 1.60 mDraught
- 850 kgDisplacement
- GRPMaterial
- Tiller SteeringSteering
- Long keelKeel Type
- 6 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 29 m²Mainsail
- 15 m² (Roller Furling)Jib
- 25 m² (Roller Furling)Genoa
- 60 m²Spinnaker
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1995 Maxi Dolphin Joker to sell
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We are selling our sporty Maxi Dolphin/ Joker with accompanying road trailer.
The boat is equipped with 10 sails:
Mainsail 2 pieces - used
Jib 3 pieces - used and as good as new
Genoa 3 pieces - used
Spinnaker 2 pieces used and as good as new
Included is a road trailer, which makes it possible to explore many lakes.
Price on request / negotiation basis.
The boat is equipped with 10 sails:
Mainsail 2 pieces - used
Jib 3 pieces - used and as good as new
Genoa 3 pieces - used
Spinnaker 2 pieces used and as good as new
Included is a road trailer, which makes it possible to explore many lakes.
Price on request / negotiation basis.
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