Segel: Großsegel, Fock, Genua, 3 Gennaker (Reacher, Runner, Allrounder)
Navigation: NOVSAIL NS 360-Pro, Raymarine T101
Wartung: Einwandfrei
1. Rang: Championnat FVLJ 2022
2. Rang: Championnat FVLJ 2023
4. Rang: Championnat FVLJ 2024
Besonderheiten und Extras
Spezialanhänger für lange Transporte
Besichtigung und Probefahrt in Chevroux
- 72
- 13
- Share
Used Boat, Regatta Boat, Sailing Yacht
Chantier Naval Aebi SA : Aebi 850R
- Trailer inclusiveTrailer
- 2021Year Built
- very good conditionCondition
- 8.50 m x 2.67 mLength x Beam
- 1.70 - 2.35 mDraught
- 1'380 kgDisplacement
- C - InshoreCE Design Category
- GRPMaterial
- Tiller SteeringSteering
- Lifting KeelKeel Type
- 690 kgBallast
- 6 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- Outboard, four-strokePropulsion
- YamahaEngine
- 1 x 4.0 HP / 2.9 kWEngine Performance
- UnleadedFuel Type
- 15 hEngine Hours
- 32 m² (Battened Mainsail)Mainsail
- 17 m² (Roller Furling)Jib
- 25 m² (Roller Furling)Genoa
- 89 m²Spinnaker
- 114 m²Gennaker
Do you need more details?
Neuenburgersee » Chevroux
Berth Available
2021 Chantier Naval Aebi SA : Aebi 850R, CHF 120'000.-
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Sails: Mainsail, jib, genoa, 3 gennakers (reacher, runner, all-rounder)
Navigation: NOVSAIL NS 360-Pro, Raymarine T101
Maintenance: Impeccable
Regatta successes
1st place: Championnat FVLJ 2022
2nd place: Championnat FVLJ 2023
4th place: Championnat FVLJ 2024
Special features and extras
Special trailer for long transports
Viewing and test drive in Chevroux
Sails: Mainsail, jib, genoa, 3 gennakers (reacher, runner, all-rounder)
Navigation: NOVSAIL NS 360-Pro, Raymarine T101
Maintenance: Impeccable
Regatta successes
1st place: Championnat FVLJ 2022
2nd place: Championnat FVLJ 2023
4th place: Championnat FVLJ 2024
Special features and extras
Special trailer for long transports
Viewing and test drive in Chevroux
- Anchor
- Board Computer
- Compass
- Wind Instrument
- Speed Instrument
- Cockpit Cover
- Underwater Paint
- Trailer
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