45er Nat. Kreuzer guter gesunder Zustand.
Aussergewöhnliche Mahagoni-Yacht, 100 jährig. Gebaut in Hamburg. Rumpf restauriert ( Mahagoni 3 lagig Formverleimt); Teak Deck. Aufwändiger Ausbau. Bequeme Kajüte mit grossen Fenstern. Stehhöhe. Doppelkoje im Bug, Garderoben Schrank ; Chemie WC, Kombüse (Gas), Kartentisch, zwei Polster-Sitzbänke und viel Stauraum. Lewmar Winchen; Faryman-Diesel . Persenning, mit Pütz und Pann, immer im Winterhallenlager..
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Used Boat, Sailing Yacht
45er Nat. Kreuzer Holzboot
wooden sails
- 1935Year Built
- good conditionCondition
- 10.30 m x 2.40 mLength x Beam
- 1.60 mDraught
- 3'500 kgDisplacement
- WoodMaterial
- NaturlackiertHull Color
- Tiller SteeringSteering
- Long keelKeel Type
- 1'500 kgBallast
- 6 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 170 cmHeadroom
- 2 CabinsNo. of Cabins
- 4 bedsNo. of berths
- 1 ToiletToilets
- FarymannEngine
- 1 x 8.0 HP / 5.9 kWEngine Performance
- 30 l DieselFuel Type
- 1971Engine Year
- 32 m²Mainsail
- 12 m²Jib
- 30 m²Genoa
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Vierwaldstättersee » Brunnen
1935 45er Nat. Kreuzer Holzboot, CHF 9'900.-
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45 Nat. Cruiser good healthy condition.
Exceptional mahogany yacht, 100 years old. Built in Hamburg. Hull restored (3-ply mahogany glued); teak deck Elaborate expansion. Comfortable cabin with large windows. headroom. double berth in the bow, wardrobe cupboard ; Chemical toilet, galley (gas), chart table, two upholstered benches and plenty of storage space. Lewmar Winchen; Faryman Diesel . Tarpaulin, with P
Exceptional mahogany yacht, 100 years old. Built in Hamburg. Hull restored (3-ply mahogany glued); teak deck Elaborate expansion. Comfortable cabin with large windows. headroom. double berth in the bow, wardrobe cupboard ; Chemical toilet, galley (gas), chart table, two upholstered benches and plenty of storage space. Lewmar Winchen; Faryman Diesel . Tarpaulin, with P
- Stove
- Sink
- Compass
- Speed Instrument
- Battery
- Anchor
- Fire Extinguisher
- Radio
- Swim Ladder
- Teak Cockpit
- Teak Deck
- Complete cover tarpaulin
- Underwater Paint
- Anbindetaue
- Fender
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