Avis important
Tous les prix sont en CHF TTC départ chantier naval Adligenswil/Lucerne.
Toutes les informations, données techniques et prix énumérés ici sont à titre d?information uniquement et peuvent être fournis à tout moment et sans préavis par W.A.R. Bootbau & Boothandel AG ou les fabricants / fournisseurs (également rétroactivement) sont modifiés et sont donc sans garantie. Des produits / images / accessoires peuvent être montrés ou répertoriés qui ne sont pas offerts en Suisse.
Par conséquent, seuls les prix / informations des offres écrites respectives s?appliquent.
- 30
- 5
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New Boat from Stock, Sport Boat
Sea Ray SLX 260
- as newCondition
- 7.85 m x 2.59 mLength x Beam
- 8 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 1 ToiletToilets
- 1 ShowerShowers
- 80 l WaterFresh water tank
- SterndrivePropulsion
- MercuiserEngine
- 1 x 350 HP / 257 kWEngine Performance
- 284 l UnleadedFuel Type
- 2024Engine Year
Do you need more details?
Lake Geneva » Corsier-Port
Berth Available
Sea Ray SLX 260 to sell
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Important Notice
All prices are in CHF including VAT ex shipyard Adligenswil/Lucerne.
All information, technical data and prices listed here are for information only and may be provided at any time without notice by W.A.R. Bootbau & Boothandel AG or manufacturers / suppliers (also retroactively) are changed and are therefore without warranty. Products/images/accessories may be shown or listed which are not offered in Switzerland.
Therefore, only the prices / information of the respective written offers apply.
All prices are in CHF including VAT ex shipyard Adligenswil/Lucerne.
All information, technical data and prices listed here are for information only and may be provided at any time without notice by W.A.R. Bootbau & Boothandel AG or manufacturers / suppliers (also retroactively) are changed and are therefore without warranty. Products/images/accessories may be shown or listed which are not offered in Switzerland.
Therefore, only the prices / information of the respective written offers apply.
- Fridge
- Board Computer
- Fishfinder
- Depth Instrument
- Shore Connection
- Battery
- Battery Charger
- Navigation Lights
- Anchor
- Bow Anchor Capstan
- Bilge Pump
- Fire Extinguisher
- Fire extinguisher system
- Underwater Lights
- Electric Toilet
- Radio
- Bluetooth Connector
- Cockpit Speakers
- Swim Ladder
- Deck Shower
- Bimini Top
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