Gebrauchtes Fischerboot in gutem Zustand.
Angebot inkl. Trailer
Bitte unter 079 421 6440 melden.
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Used Boat, Fishing Boat
Porsche D
- 1976Year Built
- good conditionCondition
- 5.10 m x 1.60 mLength x Beam
- GRPMaterial
- blue blueHull Color
- 4 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 1 CabinNo. of Cabins
- Outboard, four-strokePropulsion
- SuzukiEngine
- 1 x 5.0 HP / 3.7 kWEngine Performance
- 12 l UnleadedFuel Type
- 2013Engine Year
Do you need more details?
Lake Constance » Riedt b. Erlen
This boat has a permittance for Lake Constance.
1976 Porsche D, CHF 6'500.-
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Used fishing boat in good condition.
Offer incl. trailer
Please call 079 421 6440.
Offer incl. trailer
Please call 079 421 6440.
- Fishfinder
- Battery
- Anchor
- Complete cover tarpaulin
- Underwater Paint
- LED Navigationsbeleuchtung
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