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  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around
  • 51 Views in the last 7 days
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New Boat from Stock, Sport Boat

Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around

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  • EUR 26'300.-excl. VAT
  • apx. CHF 24'800.-
  • 2025Year Built
  • 6.42 m x 2.45 mLength x Beam
  • GRPMaterial


Luganersee » Lugano


2025 Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around, EUR 26'300.-

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Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around

La nuova Mingolla Brava 22 WA si presenta come uno yacht piccolo, ma completo, veloce e che vuole farsi notare, anche attraverso le nuove colorazioni della carena. Si propone come barca carrellabile dai grandi spazi e dalle grandi soluzioni riprendendo ed ampliando le doti di abitabilità€ e comfort dei precedenti modelli. Le principali caratteristiche che la contraddistinguono sono l?ampio prendisole prodiero, la cabina funzionale anche per campeggio nautico ed il pozzetto a poppa con tavolino che ospita comodamente anche più di quattro persone.
La carena permette una planata veloce anche a bassi regimi e la massima sicurezza anche con mare formato.

Dotazioni standard incluse nel prezzo: Consolle di guida con tientibene inox, parabrezza, volante, bussola, Luci di via e asta 360°, pannello interruttori, timoneria meccanica, serbatoio carburante 140 lt, panca sedile con sportello, bitte e golfari inox, gavone a prua per ancora con sportellino e scarico a mare, musone di prua inox, porta estintore, tavolo in teak, cuscineria completa cellula chiusa, scaletta di risalita acciaio inox e pompa sentina.
IN CABINA: Cuscineria completa, tasche laterali imbottite, alloggio WC, armadio, faretti e oblò inox.

Accessori optional: Impianto doccia, tendalino parasole, salpa ancore elettrico, telo di copertura, timoneria idraulica, radio con casse nautiche, T-top inox, WC marino e frigo 42 lt.

Package con motore:

  • Mingolla Brava 22 WA: 26.300 euro + iva (solo scafo) ? [Prezzo listino: 32.500 euro + iva]
  • Mingolla Brava 22 WA + motore Honda BF150: 38.300 euro + iva
  • Mingolla Brava 22 WA + motore Honda BF200: 43.300 euro + iva

Motore totalmente finanziabile a tasso zero in 24 rate.

Rivenditori Mingolla e concessionari ufficiali motori Honda Marine per il Piemonte e il Lago Maggiore.

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Mingolla Brava 22 Walk Around

The new Mingolla Brava 22 WA presents itself as a small, but complete, fast yacht that wants to stand out, also through the new hull colors. It is proposed as a trailerable boat with large spaces and great solutions, taking up and expanding the qualities of habitability and comfort of previous models. The main features that distinguish it are the large forward sundeck, the cabin that is also functional for nautical camping and the aft cockpit with table that comfortably accommodates more than four people.
The hull allows for fast glide even at low speeds and maximum safety even in rough seas.

STANDARD EQUIPMENT INCLUDED IN THE PRICE: Steering console with stainless steel handrail, windshield, steering wheel, compass, navigation lights and 360° rod, switch panel, mechanical steering, 140-liter fuel tank, seat bench with hatch, stainless steel bollards and eyebolts, forward anchor locker with hatch and sea discharge, stainless steel bow thruster, fire extinguisher holder, teak table, complete closed cell cushions, stainless steel swim ladder and bilge pump.
IN CABIN: Full cushioning, padded side pockets, toilet accommodation, locker, spotlights and stainless porthole.

Optional accessories: Shower system, sun awning, electric anchor windlass, cover sheet, hydraulic wheelhouse, radio with nautical speakers, stainless steel T-top, marine toilet and 42-liter refrigerator.

Package with motor:

  • Mingolla Brava 22 WA: 26,300 euros + vat (hull only) ? [List price: 32,500 euros + vat].
  • Mingolla Brava 22 WA + Honda BF150 engine: 38,300 euros + vat
  • Mingolla Brava 22 WA + Honda BF200 engine: 43,300 euros + vat

Engine fully financeable at zero interest in 24 installments.

Mingolla dealers and official Honda Marine engine dealers for Piedmont and Lake Maggiore.


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