joli Larson en très bon état, expertisé, grand service fait, prêt à naviguer.
Moteur Volvo Penta injection économique.
Place d'amarrage sur le Léman à discuter.
Remorque disponible en SUS.
- 65
- 32
- Share
Used Boat, Bowrider, Sport Boat
Larson Sei 186
- 1999Year Built
- good conditionCondition
- 5.46 m x 2.38 mLength x Beam
- C - InshoreCE Design Category
- PlaningHull Type
- GRPMaterial
- white turquoiseHull Color
- 7 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- SterndrivePropulsion
- Volvo Penta 4.3 GI SXEngine
- 1 x 220 HP / 162 kWEngine Performance
- UnleadedFuel Type
- 1999Engine Year
- 45 km/hCruising Speed
- 80 km/hMax speed
Do you need more details?
Lake Geneva » Lonay
1999 Larson Sei 186, CHF 22'900.-
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- Battery
- Navigation Lights
- Bilge Pump
- Fire Extinguisher
- Underwater Paint
- Bâche complète
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