Sehr seltenes Motorboot von Austin Healey in den 50er Jahren in England gebaut.
es hat nur 2 Stück von diesen Booten in der Schweiz.
Das Boot wird ab MFK verkauft.
Der Preis ist verhandelbar.
Die Schale ist aus GFK
Das Deck aus Sperrholz
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Used Boat, Runabout
Austin Healey 75 Sport
- 1957Year Built
- very good conditionCondition
- 4.50 m x 1.67 mLength x Beam
- PlaningHull Type
- GRPMaterial
- 4 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- Inboard Direct-DrivePropulsion
- MG MGB-GTEngine
- 1 x 95 HP / 70 kWEngine Performance
- 40 l UnleadedFuel Type
- 1974Engine Year
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1957 Austin Healey 75 Sport, CHF 45'000.-
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Very rare motorboat built by Austin Healey in England in the 50s.
There are only 2 of these boats in Switzerland.
The boat is sold ex MFK.
The price is negotiable.
The hull is made of GFK
The deck is made of plywood
There are only 2 of these boats in Switzerland.
The boat is sold ex MFK.
The price is negotiable.
The hull is made of GFK
The deck is made of plywood
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