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  • Kayak Canuk
  • Kayak Canuk
  • Kayak Canuk
  • Kayak Canuk
  • 57 Views in the last 7 days

Used Boat, Canoe, Rowing Boat

Kayak Canuk


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  • CHF 800.-
  • Trailer inclusiveTrailer
  • 2010Year Built
  • very good conditionCondition
  • 4.40 m x 0.66 mLength x Beam
  • 21 kgWeight
  • PVCMaterial
  • 1 PersonCertified No. of Persons


Switzerland » Lake Geneva

This boat has a permittance for Lake Constance.


2010 Kayak Canuk, CHF 800.-

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Le Canuk est un kayak de lac et de mer aux formes traditionnelles, court, spacieux et stable.
Très manoeuvrable, ce kayak autorise un usage mixte : lac, rivière et mer.
Léger, il se transporte facilement.
Très confortable pour naviguer à la journée.

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The Canuk is a traditionally shaped lake and sea kayak, short, spacious and stable.
Highly maneuverable, this kayak is ideal for mixed use: lake, river and sea.
Lightweight, it's easy to transport.
Very comfortable for day cruising.


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