- Harbeck Winterlagertrailer WZ30
- 1 Satz neue Segel (2019)
- 2 Sätze alte Segel (davon eines aus Kevlar)
- Roll-Gennaker
- neuer Holz-Mast (2019)
- neue Persenning 2024
- Torqeedo Travel 1003 L mit 2 Wechselakkus (915 Wh)
- Camping WC (Porta Potti)
- LED Navigations-Beleuchtung (Batterie)
- 318
- 8
- Share
Used Boat, Daysailer, Keelboat, Sailing Yacht
Folkeboot GFK
- Trailer inclusiveTrailer
- 1987Year Built
- good conditionCondition
- 7.68 m x 2.20 mLength x Beam
- 1.20 mDraught
- 1'930 kgDisplacement
- C - InshoreCE Design Category
- GRPMaterial
- Tiller SteeringSteering
- Long keelKeel Type
- 4 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 4 bedsNo. of berths
- Torqeedo Travel 1003 LEngine
- 1 x 3.0 HP / 2.2 kWEngine Performance
- ElectricFuel Type
- WoodMast material
- 11.00 mMast height
- 17 m²Mainsail
- 7 m²Jib
- 2 manualWinches
Do you need more details?
Lake of Zurich » Hafen Rietliau (Au-Wädenswil)
1987 Folkeboot GFK, CHF 9'500.-
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- Harbeck winter storage trailer WZ30
- 1 set of new sails (2019)
- 2 sets of old sails (one of them made of Kevlar)
- furling gennaker
- new wooden mast (2019)
- new tarpaulin 2024
- Torqeedo Travel 1003 L with 2 exchangeable batteries (915 Wh)
- Camping WC (Porta Potti)
- LED navigation lighting (battery)
- Anchor
- Bilge Pump
- Compass
- Complete cover tarpaulin
- Swim Ladder
- Teak Cockpit
- Underwater Paint
- Trailer
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