- Bodensee Zulassung
- extra starke Winterpersenning ist vorhanden
- Massgefertigte elegante Bugleiter ist vorhanden
- Das Boot ist jedes Jahr ausgewassert worden und der Unterwasseranstrich wurde jährlich erneuert.
- 362
- 67
- Share
Used Boat, Sailing Yacht
Dehler 29
- Trailer inclusiveTrailer
- 2005Year Built
- good conditionCondition
- 8.75 m x 2.99 mLength x Beam
- 1.58 mDraught
- 3'000 kgDisplacement
- GRPMaterial
- Tiller SteeringSteering
- 6 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 2 CabinsNo. of Cabins
- 4 bedsNo. of berths
- 1 BathroomNo. of Bathrooms
- 100 l WaterFresh water tank
- 47 l Waste WaterHolding Tank
- SaildrivePropulsion
- Yanmar 1GM10CEngine
- 1 x 10 HP / 7 kWEngine Performance
- 60 l DieselFuel Type
- 26 m²Mainsail
- 19 m²Jib
- 23 m²Genoa
- 59 m²Spinnaker
Do you need more details?
Lake Constance » Romanshorn
This boat has a permittance for Lake Constance.
2005 Dehler 29, CHF 49'000.-
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- Lake Constance approval
- Extra strong winter tarpaulin is available
- Custom-made elegant bow ladder is available
- The boat has been hauled out every year and the underwater paint has been renewed annually.
- Shore Connection
- Battery
- Battery Charger
- Fire Extinguisher
- Anchor
- Bilge Pump
- Navigation Lights
- Compass
- Autopilot
- Wind Instrument
- Depth Instrument
- Speed Instrument
- Sink
- Fridge
- Gas Stove
- Complete cover tarpaulin
- Cockpit Cover
- Winter Cover
- Swim Ladder
- Cockpit Table
- Teak Cockpit
- Trailer
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