Wir verkaufen unsere Bavaria 37 aus erster Hand. Beim Kauf haben wir praktisch alle Optionen einbauen lassen und damit ein komfortables Bijou gekauft. Einige zusätzliche Punkte sind zu erwähnen:
Ankerwinde elektrisch, 50 m Kette, zusätzlicher Genaker mit Bergesack, Mittelklampen, Seitenausstieg BB und SB, 6 Winschen Lumar 2-Weg, Kuchenbude mit Heizung im Cockpit, gepflegtes Teakdeck, lange Salonfenster aus Glas, alle Luken mit Moskitonetz und Verdunkelungsrollo, Sitzkissen wetterfest Cockpit, Carbon-Steuerräder weiss 2 x, grosse Backskiste backbord, normale Backskiste steuerbord, Frischwassertank 1 x 210 l Heck, 1 x 150 l Bug, Fäkalientank 70 l und zusätzlicher Grauwassertank, ohne Ausgänge - Schweizer Norm, WC manuell (Pumpe und Brille ersetzt im 2024), Innendusche mit Trennwand Plexiglas, Kartentisch mit neu eingebautem DAB-Radio (2023), gepflegte Küche mit Gasherd 2 flammig, Backofen Gas mit Steinplatte, Prüfung Gas-Anlage August 2024 mit Ersatz aller Kunststoff-Leitungen, Komfortbatterien neu 2024, Matratze Bugkabine Fanello mit integriertem Lattenrost, Molton und Bettlaken massgeschneidert auf Form. Service Motor 2024 durch Werft - jährlich durchgeführt, Unterwasseranstrich 2024, Politur durch Werft 2024. Motor mit Dreiwegventil zur vereinfachten Einwinterung ausgestattet.
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Used Boat, Sailing Yacht
Bavaria Cruiser 37
2 cabins version
- 2015Year Built
- very good conditionCondition
- 11.30 m x 3.67 mLength x Beam
- 1.69 mDraught
- 7'000 kgDisplacement
- B - OffshoreCE Design Category
- GRPMaterial
- Dual WheelSteering
- Fin KeelKeel Type
- 2'624 kgBallast
- 12 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 195 cmHeadroom
- 2 CabinsNo. of Cabins
- 4 bedsNo. of berths
- 1 BathroomNo. of Bathrooms
- 360 l WaterFresh water tank
- 70 l Waste WaterHolding Tank
- SaildrivePropulsion
- Volvo Penta D1-30FEngine
- 1 x 28 HP / 21 kWEngine Performance
- 150 l DieselFuel Type
- 295 hEngine Hours
- 39 m² (Mast Furling)Mainsail
- 26 m² (Roller Furling)Jib
Do you need more details?
Neuenburgersee » Hauterive
This boat has a permittance for Lake Constance.
2015 Bavaria Cruiser 37, CHF 135'000.-
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We are selling our Bavaria 37 first hand. When we bought it, we had practically all the options installed and bought a comfortable jewel. A few additional points are worth mentioning:
Electric anchor winch, 50 m chain, additional genaker with recovery bag, center cleats, side exit BB and SB, 6 winches Lumar 2-way, cake stand with heating in the cockpit, well-kept teak deck, long glass saloon windows, all hatches with mosquito net and blackout blind, seat cushions weatherproof cockpit, carbon steering wheels white 2 x, large port locker, normal starboard locker, fresh water tank 1 x 210 l stern, 1 x 150 l bow, holding tank 70 l and additional gray water tank, without outlets - Swiss standard, manual WC (pump and toilet seat replaced in 2024), inside shower with Plexiglas partition, chart table with newly installed DAB radio (2023), well-maintained kitchen with 2-burner gas stove, Gas oven with stone plate, gas system inspection August 2024 with replacement of all plastic pipes, comfort batteries new 2024, Fanello mattress in front cabin with integrated slatted frame, molton and bed sheets tailored to shape. Service engine 2024 by shipyard - carried out annually, underwater paint 2024, polishing by shipyard 2024. Engine equipped with three-way valve for simplified winterizing.
Electric anchor winch, 50 m chain, additional genaker with recovery bag, center cleats, side exit BB and SB, 6 winches Lumar 2-way, cake stand with heating in the cockpit, well-kept teak deck, long glass saloon windows, all hatches with mosquito net and blackout blind, seat cushions weatherproof cockpit, carbon steering wheels white 2 x, large port locker, normal starboard locker, fresh water tank 1 x 210 l stern, 1 x 150 l bow, holding tank 70 l and additional gray water tank, without outlets - Swiss standard, manual WC (pump and toilet seat replaced in 2024), inside shower with Plexiglas partition, chart table with newly installed DAB radio (2023), well-maintained kitchen with 2-burner gas stove, Gas oven with stone plate, gas system inspection August 2024 with replacement of all plastic pipes, comfort batteries new 2024, Fanello mattress in front cabin with integrated slatted frame, molton and bed sheets tailored to shape. Service engine 2024 by shipyard - carried out annually, underwater paint 2024, polishing by shipyard 2024. Engine equipped with three-way valve for simplified winterizing.
- Shore Connection
- Battery
- Battery Charger
- Fire Extinguisher
- Anchor
- Bow Anchor Capstan
- Bilge Pump
- Navigation Lights
- Bow Thruster
- Water Pressure System
- Warm Water System
- Board Computer
- Compass
- Autopilot
- Windvane self-steering
- Chartplotter
- Wind Instrument
- Depth Instrument
- Speed Instrument
- Oven
- Sink
- Fridge
- Gas Stove
- Complete cover tarpaulin
- Sprayhood
- Bimini Top
- Winter Cover
- Swim Ladder
- Bathing plaftorm fix
- Bathing platform manual
- Deck Shower
- Heating
- Radio
- iPod Interface
- Bluetooth Connector
- Cockpit Speakers
- Cockpit Table
- Teak Deck
- Teak Cockpit
- Underwater Paint
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