Ich bin der dritte Eigentümer dieses Schiffs. Fast 15 Jahre ist es meine Sommerbegleitung. Da ich nicht mehr so viel Platz benötige, lasse ich dieses spezielle Schiff weiterziehen.
Das Traumprojekt für einen Handwerker mit Schiffsblut. Das Verdeck ist noch dicht aber nicht mehr schön und muss demnächst ersetzt werden. Holzreparaturen sind in der Kabine notwendig, das Unterwasser ist gut und das Antifouling wurde 2024 gemacht. Der Preis ist je nach Uebernahme der Ausstattung resp. Ausrüstung leicht verhandelbar. Der Schiffsplatz an der Aare in 2540 Grenchen kann evt. nach Absprache übernommen werden. Erste Fragen beantworte ich gerne per Mail.
Die grosse Chance, ein Platzwunder zu einem sehr vernünftigen Preis zu erwerben.
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Used Boat, Cabin Cruiser
Storebro Adler 34
Your project... Dream classic
- 1972Year Built
- in need of repairCondition
- 10.35 m x 3.20 mLength x Beam
- 1.20 mDraught
- 6'000 kgDisplacement
- Semi-displacementHull Type
- WoodMaterial
- 12 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 200 cmHeadroom
- 3 CabinsNo. of Cabins
- 6 bedsNo. of berths
- 1 BathroomNo. of Bathrooms
- 300 l WaterFresh water tank
- 300 l Waste WaterHolding Tank
- Inboard Direct-DrivePropulsion
- Volvo Penta MD 32 AEngine
- 2 x 112 HP / 82 kWEngine Performance
- 1'000 l DieselFuel Type
- 1'450 hEngine Hours
Do you need more details?
Aare » Grenchen
1972 Storebro Adler 34, Under Offer
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I am the third owner of this boat. It has been my summer companion for almost 15 years. As I no longer need so much space, I am letting this special ship move on.
The dream project for a craftsman with ship's blood. The top is still tight but no longer beautiful and will have to be replaced soon. Wood repairs are needed in the cabin, the underwater is good and the antifouling was done in 2024. The price is easily negotiable depending on the takeover of the equipment. The ship's berth on the Aare in 2540 Grenchen can possibly be taken over by arrangement. I will be happy to answer any initial questions by e-mail.
The great opportunity to acquire a space miracle at a very reasonable price.
The dream project for a craftsman with ship's blood. The top is still tight but no longer beautiful and will have to be replaced soon. Wood repairs are needed in the cabin, the underwater is good and the antifouling was done in 2024. The price is easily negotiable depending on the takeover of the equipment. The ship's berth on the Aare in 2540 Grenchen can possibly be taken over by arrangement. I will be happy to answer any initial questions by e-mail.
The great opportunity to acquire a space miracle at a very reasonable price.
- Shore Connection
- Battery
- Battery Charger
- Fire Extinguisher
- Anchor
- Bow Anchor Capstan
- Bilge Pump
- Navigation Lights
- Electric Toilet
- Water Pressure System
- Warm Water System
- Compass
- VHF Radio
- Radar
- Depth Instrument
- Speed Instrument
- Stove
- Sink
- Fridge
- Complete cover tarpaulin
- Swim Ladder
- Bathing plaftorm fix
- Davits
- Heating
- Radio
- CD Player
- MP3 Player
- iPod Interface
- Bluetooth Connector
- Cockpit Speakers
- Cockpit Table
- Teak Deck
- Teak Cockpit
- Underwater Paint
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