Très bon bateau Sea Ray, bonnes dimensions, bon rapport poids puissance, très agréable à naviguer, topp pour sorties à la journée, baignade apéros sport nautique !
Moteur top démarre au quart de tour, 0 problème :)
Embase ok, hélice ok, révision ok, antifouling ok.
Sellerie de 2 sièges à éventuellement revoir mais utilisable sans soucis tel quel.
Bâche d'été 1 année (état de neuf), possibilité de bâche d'hiver occasion (Chantier).
Expertise ok 30.05.2023
Possibilité d'avoir une remorque non immatriculée en plus.
Visible au chantier naval à Anières GE.
Essai à l'eau contre supplément manutention chantier possible.
- 213
- 23
- Share
Used Boat, Runabout, Sport Boat
Sea Ray Seville 2 5.6 CB
Browses and works great!
- Trailer inclusiveTrailer
- 1986Year Built
- good conditionCondition
- 5.69 m x 2.27 mLength x Beam
- 0.80 mDraught
- 900 kgDisplacement
- PlaningHull Type
- GRPMaterial
- 6 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- SterndrivePropulsion
- 4 cylindres OMC 3l. 142ch.Engine
- 1 x 142 HP / 104 kWEngine Performance
- UnleadedFuel Type
Do you need more details?
Lake Geneva » Genève
1986 Sea Ray Seville 2 5.6 CB, CHF 4'500.-
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Very good Sea Ray boat, good dimensions, good power-to-weight ratio, very pleasant to sail, topp for day trips, swimming, aperitifs, water sports!
Top engine starts right up, 0 problems :)
Base ok, propeller ok, overhaul ok, antifouling ok.
Upholstery of 2 seats to be reviewed, but usable as is.
Summer cover 1 year (like new), possibility of second-hand winter cover (Chantier).
Appraisal ok 30.05.2023
Possibility of having an unregistered trailer in addition.
Visible at Ani
Top engine starts right up, 0 problems :)
Base ok, propeller ok, overhaul ok, antifouling ok.
Upholstery of 2 seats to be reviewed, but usable as is.
Summer cover 1 year (like new), possibility of second-hand winter cover (Chantier).
Appraisal ok 30.05.2023
Possibility of having an unregistered trailer in addition.
Visible at Ani
- Battery
- Fire Extinguisher
- Anchor
- Bilge Pump
- Navigation Lights
- Depth Instrument
- Speed Instrument
- Cool Box
- Cockpit Cover
- Bimini Top
- Swim Ladder
- Bathing plaftorm fix
- Radio
- CD Player
- MP3 Player
- Bluetooth Connector
- Cockpit Speakers
- Underwater Paint
- Trailer
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