Boot inklusive Stüssi Trailer
Garmin Navigation
zusätzlicher 12 Volt Steckdose, für Kühlbox usw.
sehr wenige Motorstunden
Winterlagerung in Halle
Boot wurde 07.2023 geprüft
Trailer wurde 09.2024 geprüft
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Used Boat, Center Console, Sport Boat
Ranieri Voyager 18 S
Very well maintained, service and exhaust gas on sale
- Trailer inclusiveTrailer
- 2018Year Built
- very good conditionCondition
- 5.30 m x 2.20 mLength x Beam
- GRPMaterial
- 6 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- Outboard, four-strokePropulsion
- 100 PSEngine
- 100 l UnleadedFuel Type
- 139 hEngine Hours
Do you need more details?
This boat has a permittance for Lake Constance.
2018 Ranieri Voyager 18 S, CHF 31'900.-
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- Battery
- Bilge Pump
- Navigation Lights
- Fishfinder
- Depth Instrument
- Speed Instrument
- Complete cover tarpaulin
- Bimini Top
- Swim Ladder
- Cockpit Table
- Underwater Paint
- Trailer
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