Vendo barca Prosperi Mistral GT.
Scafo in buone condizioni, selleria interna, rivestimento pavimento e telone completamente rifatti nel 2020.
Motorizzato Chrysler M360 V8 serviziato regolarmente.
Ore 830.
Ottima per sport acquatici come wakeboard e sci nautico.
Natante tutt'ora in circolazione, possibile prova in acqua.
Posto barca disponibile.
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Used Boat, Sport Boat
Prosperi Mistral GT
- 1981Year Built
- good conditionCondition
- 6.30 m x 2.20 mLength x Beam
- PlaningHull Type
- GRPMaterial
- 7 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- SterndrivePropulsion
- Chrysler M360Engine
- 1 x 250 HP / 184 kWEngine Performance
- 150 l UnleadedFuel Type
- 830 hEngine Hours
Do you need more details?
Switzerland » Luganersee
1981 Prosperi Mistral GT, CHF 4'000.-
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I am selling boat Prosperi Mistral GT.
Hull in good condition, interior upholstery, floor covering and tarpaulin completely redone in 2020.
Chrysler M360 V8 engine serviced regularly.
830 hours.
Great for water sports such as wakeboarding and water skiing.
Vessel still on the road, water test possible.
Berth available.
Hull in good condition, interior upholstery, floor covering and tarpaulin completely redone in 2020.
Chrysler M360 V8 engine serviced regularly.
830 hours.
Great for water sports such as wakeboarding and water skiing.
Vessel still on the road, water test possible.
Berth available.
- Cockpit Cover
- Bimini Top
- Swim Ladder
- Bathing plaftorm fix
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