Einmaliger Klassiker ! Pedrazzini Holzboot im gepflegtem originalem Zustand.
War immer im Bootshaus aufgezogen, aus 2. Hand
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Used Boat, Classic Power Boat, Runabout
Pedrazzini Cavallino
- 1977Year Built
- good conditionCondition
- 6.00 m x 2.10 mLength x Beam
- PlaningHull Type
- WoodMaterial
- 6 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- OMC IBOEngine
- 1 x 174 HP / 128 kWEngine Performance
- 940 hEngine Hours
Do you need more details?
Vierwaldstättersee » Werft Vitznau
1977 Pedrazzini Cavallino, CHF 32'000.-
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Unique classic ! Pedrazzini wooden boat in well-maintained original condition.
Was always raised in the boathouse, 2nd hand
Was always raised in the boathouse, 2nd hand
- Compass
- Battery
- Navigation Lights
- Anchor
- Fire Extinguisher
- Bilge Pump
- Swim Ladder
- Complete cover tarpaulin
- Sprayhood
- Underwater Paint
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