Zu verkaufen:
Mändli Zander, Kabine mit Frontausstieg und Faltdach, Fischkasten,
Geprüft 26.06.2023, abholung, inkl 2.5 PS Mercury Aussenbordmotor
- 133
- 25
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Used Boat, Fishing Boat
Mändli Zander 520KK
Fishing boat M
- good conditionCondition
- 5.20 m x 1.60 mLength x Beam
- GRPMaterial
- 5 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 1 CabinNo. of Cabins
- Outboard, four-strokePropulsion
- MercuryEngine
- 1 x 2.5 HP / 1.8 kWEngine Performance
Do you need more details?
Lake of Zurich » Wallisellen
Mändli Zander 520KK, CHF 2'900.-
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For sale:
- Anchor
- Bow Anchor Capstan
- Navigation Lights
- Complete cover tarpaulin
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