Die Crescent 625 C liegt gut im Wasser. Sie lässt sich fein und präzise steuern. Das relativ tiefe V des Rumpfes sorgt für eine gute Spurtreue. Ein Aspekt, der gerade auch für Fahrschulen
wichtig ist. Zudem ist das Manövrieren mit Aussenbordmotor denkbar einfach, das knapp 6 m lange Boot lässt sich praktisch auf dem Teller wenden. Bemerkenswert ist auch die gute Rundumsicht des Fahrers, egal ob stehend oder sitzend.
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New Boat from Stock, Pilothouse
Crescent 625 Cabin
Cabin boat with outboard
- 2022Year Built
- 6.26 m x 2.45 mLength x Beam
- 1'400 kgDisplacement
- PlaningHull Type
- GRPMaterial
- whiteHull Color
- 6 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 1 CabinNo. of Cabins
- 1 bedNo. of berths
- Outboard, four-strokePropulsion
- Yamaha 150Engine
- 1 x 150 HP / 110 kWEngine Performance
- UnleadedFuel Type
- 2022Engine Year
- 1 hEngine Hours
Do you need more details?
Vierwaldstättersee » Horw
2022 Crescent 625 Cabin, CHF 66'000.-
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The Crescent 625 C handles well in the water. It can be controlled finely and precisely. The relatively deep V of the hull ensures good directional stability. An aspect that is also important for driving schools
important is. In addition, maneuvering with an outboard motor is extremely easy, the almost 6 m long boat can practically be turned on its plate. The good all-round view of the driver is also remarkable, whether standing or sitting.
You can find more new and used boats on our Caminada homepage.
important is. In addition, maneuvering with an outboard motor is extremely easy, the almost 6 m long boat can practically be turned on its plate. The good all-round view of the driver is also remarkable, whether standing or sitting.
You can find more new and used boats on our Caminada homepage.
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