Esplorate le acque svizzere con la nuova Ayros XC 22, il più recente modello del nuovo marchio offerto dal nostro cantiere nautico. In qualità di importatori esclusivi per la Svizzera, siamo lieti di presentare questo modello open.
Ispirata dal concetto del mare come luogo di connessione e gioia, ogni imbarcazione Ayros è il risultato di un'eccellente combinazione tra estetica e funzionalità. Il modello XC 22 incarna appieno questa filosofia offrendo un design sorprendente e un'esperienza di navigazione senza eguali. Motore 150 cv con cambio elettrico, 8 posti, impianto stereo di prim?ordine, tendalino inox, frigorifero, wc elettrico con impianto acque nere all?interno della console di guida (!) e molti altri accessori indispensabili per passare una giornata in totale relax e spensieratezza sul lago.
Scegliere una barca Ayros significa optare per sicurezza, design impeccabile e maestria artigianale nel settore nautico. Realizzata con materiali di alta qualità e attenzione meticolosa per ogni dettaglio, invita a vivere esperienze indimenticabili in compagnia dei propri cari.
Scoprite il significato autentico della navigazione con la Ayros XC 22: un'esperienza caratterizzata da eleganza, prestazioni e un'indimenticabile avventura che vi attende sulle acque svizzere.
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New boat preordered, Center Console
Ayros XC 22
- 2024Year Built
- 6.40 m x 2.55 mLength x Beam
- 1'200 kgDisplacement
- C - InshoreCE Design Category
- PlaningHull Type
- GRPMaterial
- white whiteHull Color
- 8 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 1 CabinNo. of Cabins
- 1 ToiletToilets
- 1 ShowerShowers
- Outboard, four-strokePropulsion
- Suzuki DF150APXEngine
- 1 x 150 HP / 110 kWEngine Performance
- 140 l UnleadedFuel Type
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2024 Ayros XC 22 to sell
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Explore Swiss waters with the new Ayros XC 22, the newest model of the new brand offered by our boatyard. As the exclusive importers for Switzerland, we are pleased to present this open model.
Inspired by the concept of the sea as a place of connection and joy, each Ayros boat is the result of an\excellent combination of aesthetics and functionality. The XC 22 fully embodies this philosophy by offering a stunning design and an unparalleled sailing experience. 150 hp engine with electric gearbox, 8 seats, top-notch stereo system, stainless steel awning, refrigerator, electric toilet with black water system inside the steering console (!) and many other essential accessories to spend a relaxing and carefree day on the lake.
Choosing an Ayros boat means opting for safety, impeccable design and craftsmanship in the boating industry. Made with high-quality materials and meticulous attention to every detail, it invites unforgettable experiences in the company of loved ones.
Discover the authentic meaning of sailing with the Ayros XC 22: an\experience characterized by elegance, performance and an unforgettable adventure awaiting you on Swiss waters.
Inspired by the concept of the sea as a place of connection and joy, each Ayros boat is the result of an\excellent combination of aesthetics and functionality. The XC 22 fully embodies this philosophy by offering a stunning design and an unparalleled sailing experience. 150 hp engine with electric gearbox, 8 seats, top-notch stereo system, stainless steel awning, refrigerator, electric toilet with black water system inside the steering console (!) and many other essential accessories to spend a relaxing and carefree day on the lake.
Choosing an Ayros boat means opting for safety, impeccable design and craftsmanship in the boating industry. Made with high-quality materials and meticulous attention to every detail, it invites unforgettable experiences in the company of loved ones.
Discover the authentic meaning of sailing with the Ayros XC 22: an\experience characterized by elegance, performance and an unforgettable adventure awaiting you on Swiss waters.
- Fridge
- Board Computer
- Speed Instrument
- Battery
- Navigation Lights
- Bilge Pump
- Fire Extinguisher
- Radio
- Bluetooth Connector
- Cockpit Speakers
- Bathing plaftorm fix
- Swim Ladder
- Cockpit Table
- Deck Shower
- Bimini Top
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