Das rundum sorglos Paket!
Boot mit Motor, Trailer und allem vorgeschriebenen Zubehör.
Das Schlauchboot habe ich im Juli 2023 gekauft. Es wurde ca. 15x auf dem Bielersee gefahren und ist daher praktisch neuwertig. Wir verkaufen es weil wir umziehen.
Es steht auf seinem Trockenplatz in 2576 Lüscherz und kann nach Voranmeldung probegefahren werden.
Der dazu passende Falttrailer (nicht strassentauglich) wurde ebenfalls im Juli 2023 gekauft.
Bitte beachten: Die Motorstunden sind mir unbekannt, aber es musste im Feld ein Wert eingegeben werden.
Den Motor habe ich 2018 occ. gekauft. Er wurde regelmässig gewartet und läuft tadellos.
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Used Boat, Foldable Inflatable Boat
Yamaha Yam 310 S mit Mercury 8PS
Almost as new Yam 310 incl. Mercury 8 hp and trailer
- Trailer inclusiveTrailer
- 2023Year Built
- as newCondition
- 3.08 m x 1.54 mLength x Beam
- 50 kgWeight
- RubberMaterial
- 4 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- Outboard, four-strokePropulsion
- Mercury F8M 8PSEngine
- 1 x 8.0 HP / 5.9 kWEngine Performance
- 25 l DieselFuel Type
- 95 hEngine Hours
Do you need more details?
2023 Yamaha Yam 310 S mit Mercury 8PS, CHF 2'390.-
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The all-round carefree package!
Boat with motor, trailer and all required accessories.
I bought the inflatable boat in July 2023. It has been used approx. 15 times on Lake Biel and is therefore practically as good as new. We are selling it because we are moving.
It is in its dry storage space in 2576 Lüscherz and can be test-driven by appointment.
The matching folding trailer (not roadworthy) was also purchased in July 2023.
Please note: The engine hours are unknown to me, but a value had to be entered in the field.
I bought the engine in 2018 occ. It has been regularly serviced and runs perfectly.
Boat with motor, trailer and all required accessories.
I bought the inflatable boat in July 2023. It has been used approx. 15 times on Lake Biel and is therefore practically as good as new. We are selling it because we are moving.
It is in its dry storage space in 2576 Lüscherz and can be test-driven by appointment.
The matching folding trailer (not roadworthy) was also purchased in July 2023.
Please note: The engine hours are unknown to me, but a value had to be entered in the field.
I bought the engine in 2018 occ. It has been regularly serviced and runs perfectly.
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