Place de port à la Marina de Sugiez pour un grand bateau.
Location long terme possible avec l'achat d'un bateau via notre entreprise. Location court terme possible d'année en année si vous avez déjà votre bateau avec un contrat d'hivernage.
Location: CHF 4'300 p.a.
- 88
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Berth, Fixed Dock
Hafenplatz Sugiez - Centurion Boats
- 10.00 m x 3.30 mLength x Beam
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Murtensee » 1786 Sugiez
Berth Available
Hafenplatz Sugiez - Centurion Boats
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Berth at Sugiez Marina for a large boat.
Long-term rental possible with the purchase of a boat through our company. Short-term rental possible from year to year if you already have your boat with a wintering contract.
Rental: CHF 4\'300 p.a.
Long-term rental possible with the purchase of a boat through our company. Short-term rental possible from year to year if you already have your boat with a wintering contract.
Rental: CHF 4\'300 p.a.